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送交者: 田原[♂☆★★田间第一人★★☆♂] 于 2020-01-16 3:10 已读 9271 次 2 赞  



新闻来源: 青年横财发展会  cool18.com

今日有雨,宜学外语。 cool18.com

我反手就打开了Pornhub,一头扎进高考英语完形填空练习题海中去。那种感觉,就像中年发福男子在动感单车上重拾巅峰状态。 cool18.com



几道题过后,我的大脑开始缺氧,眼神开始涣散,鼠标不由自主地开始漂移。 cool18.com

不得不说,P站的大数据AI分析真厉害,一眼就看穿了我的中国心。 cool18.com

不仅在学习视频下方挂出了几行中文标语,还推送给我几个英语情景对话练习视频,并附有中文字幕和解题思路。  cool18.com



哦买噶,好厉害的学习频道,点它。 cool18.com

点开频道主页,我仿佛走进了唐人街,化身带侦探。  cool18.com


古色古香的隶书“汝”字logo,让我想起了李子柒的田园风视频。 cool18.com

而Banana Fever的厂牌设计,又像是为潮牌定制,让人想打印出来贴卫衣上。 cool18.com

上次感受到这种混搭还是在看《银翼杀手》。直觉告诉我,这里面有东西。 cool18.com

在推特上一搜,封面背景是金钱永不眠内味儿。 cool18.com


再去知乎上一看,连985/211大学生都觉得这工作室不简单。  cool18.com


时代在召唤,我再次肩负起为大家探秘的重任。 cool18.com

(FBI Warning:本文涉及的Banana Fever/汝工作室由美籍华人于美国洛杉矶依法设立,服务于美国成人影片市场。在特定国家/地区制作并传播AV仍属违法行为,请严格遵守当地法规) cool18.com


如何用一句话形容汝工作室的作品风格,我寻思了半天,觉得最贴切的表达就是: cool18.com

AV届的甄子丹,爱情动作片中的Jackie Chan。 cool18.com

鲜明的特征就是华人(男)大战洋人(女),一个打十个。  cool18.com


只见P站的洋人纷纷被龙的传人干得落花流水,让人不禁想唱出那句: cool18.com

东亚病夫的招牌已被我一脚踢开,一给我里giaogiao。 cool18.com



他们注重发扬传统文化,战败的洋人都会被盖上国风印戳,像豹子头林冲那样被流放。  cool18.com


△ 前后对比 cool18.com


△ 像豹子头林冲那样被流放


[iframe][/iframe] cool18.com

在P站,汝工作室作品一度被誉为华人之光。 cool18.com

搜索引擎不会骗人,在P站搜索Asian Girl,看看能搜到多少与White C※ck相关的视频。


△ 联想词列表里都能直接跳出来

咱们将性别互换一下,以Asian C※ck为关键词再搜一遍,damn... cool18.com

视频数量少得可怜,仅有的几个还对伦家男孩纸冷嘲热讽,高频关联词居然是Small...  cool18.com



△ 看了可真叫人生气丫

众所周知,传媒会对社会大众思想观念及行为方式产生极大影响。 cool18.com

看了P站的视频,老外以为亚洲女孩都是easy girl,什么洋屌丝洋垃圾都想来猎艳。  cool18.com


△ X博士曾经曝光过这个猎艳老外

而西方女孩也以为华裔小伙个个性无能,导致他们在异性交友市场处于不利地位。  cool18.com


△ 《破产姐妹》中的亚裔男也被塑造得十分短小

现如今,一场轰轰烈烈的华裔男性平权运动正在拉开序幕,他们在P站的弱势群体地位正在悄然发生改变。 cool18.com

是时候派出杀破狼,重拳出击了。 cool18.com

???????????? cool18.com

在汝工作室的作品中,亚裔男性的形象一改日系猥琐风,非常积极向上。 cool18.com

他们身形健美,可以充当私人瑜伽教练。  cool18.com


他们爱好户外运动,天气好就去海边滑板冲浪。 cool18.com



这样晒成一身古铜的男孩纸,谁不爱? cool18.com

再看他们拍摄的影片标题,“Small”换成了“Fantasy”,让美国妹子心向往之。  cool18.com




亚裔男性形象被塑造得如此健康有活力,得益于汝工作室的HR。 cool18.com

咱们来看一看汝工作室2020年的新人招聘启事: cool18.com



△ 各位对照下看看自己能不能符合条件

不仅要求男优经常健身,还要求Giao长6寸(约合15厘米)以上,不得不说品控严格。 cool18.com

光有重拳还不够。 cool18.com

加拿大传播理论学家马素·麦克鲁汉曾经说过:媒体是一种艺术形式,因此需要委托给一群新的艺术家。 cool18.com

汝工作室就是P站的带艺术家。 cool18.com

先从影片质量来来说。 cool18.com

画质清晰稳定,镜头语言丰富,一看就是好莱坞工业级别的,跟街边小旅馆偷拍是两回事。 cool18.com



△ 调光,构图都hin棒

艺术发展不能失去人文内核,最让我动容的就是汝工作室对女主的片头采访。 cool18.com

当被问及为何来拍AV时,有的女孩表现出追求梦想的勇气。  cool18.com



有的则表示,伦家为身材感到骄傲,就想拍AV展示自己。言语间透露出女性主义的光辉。 cool18.com



△ 这位为自己身材感到骄傲

甚至还有一位逃跑新娘,大伙儿品品她的回答,真诚而鼓舞人心。 cool18.com






正如朴树歌中所唱,人生不能将就,面对自己不喜欢的人或事,就要跟它干。 cool18.com

值得一提的是,这部影片的女主角(Olivia Nova)已经因意外去世,正是汝工作室给她留下了珍贵的历史影像。 cool18.com

这就是新世纪的《艺术人生》,新时代的《汝遇有约》。 cool18.com

最后从商业的角度来看,亚裔群体在美国其实是一块极大的隐形市场。而亚裔中,华裔又占据了绝大多数。 cool18.com

根据美国联邦人口普查局2018年5月发布的亚太裔数据:美国亚裔总人口已达2140万,其中以华裔美国人最多,超过508万人。 cool18.com

这几乎相当于一个欧洲国家的人口数量,市场空间已经足够大。如果击中这个垂直群体的隐性需求,开发相应的产品,发笔横财不成问题。 cool18.com

为了进一步探索奥秘,我联系上了汝工作室,和他们深入聊了聊。 cool18.com


由于视频中会冷不丁冒出一句国骂,原本我以为主创都是北京人在纽约。 cool18.com


跟幕后团队接触之后,我才发现他们真是ABC(American-Born Chinese)。 cool18.com

工作室负责人表示自己的中文水平仅限于那几句国骂,读写都还不太行。 cool18.com

于是横发会就进行了迄今为止最英特纳雄耐尔的英文采访。 cool18.com

为了保留原味儿,咱们来个英汉对照。 cool18.com

没错,看横发会甚至可以学英语。Enjoy~ cool18.com

Q1:We all know that the first step in starting a business is to think of a catchy name. 汝工作室/ Banana Fever Studio sounds very good. How did you come up with the name? cool18.com

问:我们都知道,创业第一步就是想一个朗朗上口的商号,汝工作室/Banana Fever的厂牌名起得很好,当初是怎么想到这个名字的? cool18.com

A:Thank you for that lol. When we were initially trying to come up with the name, we wanted it to be ambiguous, like a name when you see it first, you won't be sure about it's related to adult entertainment industry. It's that effect that it might be porn but it might not be. Kind of like a cold word, which isn't direct. But for people really know what's going on, they get what it means. cool18.com

答:多谢夸奖哈哈。在最早起名的时候,我们想要尽量地模糊化处理,当你第一眼看到这个字眼时,你并不确定它跟成人娱乐业有关联。这种不确定性就像暗语,懂的人自然懂。 cool18.com

That was basically the guideline we were following when trying to make a name. BananaFever fits all those purposes. BananaFever is like the opposite of yellow fever, which means guys who like Asian girls. So you get the point here hehe. cool18.com

上述就是我们给厂牌起名遵循的基本原则,BananaFever恰恰符合。BananaFever是Yellow Fever的反面,而后者代指对亚洲女孩上头的那些家伙。你应该懂我的意思了,呵呵。 cool18.com

In terms of 汝工作室, we got this name from a Chinese American friend of mine. We wanted the Chinese character of 汝,because we were told that in Chinese the character consists of two part. One part is water and the other part is woman. Water splashed on woman, you get the point here hehe. As a matter of fact, we filed for trademarks protection for both BananaFever and 汝工作室 for the business. cool18.com

至于“汝工作室“,这是从我一个华裔朋友那得到的名字。我们想用“汝”字,因为他告诉我们这个汉字由两个部分组成,各有不同含义。呵呵,你应该又懂我的意思了。事实上,为了经营需要,我们为这两个名字都申请了注册商标保护。  cool18.com



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△ LOGO充分诠释了汉字构词的精妙,同时也是注册商标

Q2: Could you talk about your Team (and the background)? How your team is formed? Who came up with the idea of setting up Banana Fever Studio and how did this idea come out? cool18.com

问:你们的团队构成是怎样的?成立汝工作室是谁的想法?这个想法又是如何产生的? cool18.com

A: A few years ago we just started noticing Asian male porn is very underrepresented. At that time, there were a couple pro Asian male adult sites out there with the same vision but never really made the wave. cool18.com

答:在几年前,我们注意到市面上几乎没有为亚裔男性拍摄的AV作品。当时美国有几个亚裔男性成人网站,但都没弄出水花。 cool18.com

Initially we got the idea from AsianSchlong and we carry the exact same vision to make a stronger presence for Asian male straight dominant porn in the western environment. The guy behind AsianSchong is also a great friend of mine. Life stuff happened, their site went down but they want us to be sure to carry this mission forward and we promised them we will be carrying this forward. We got a lot of help and advices from him as well. We want to thank him and his site for paving the way for our future success in promoting Asian male straight dominant porn. Without him and his site, BananaFever - 汝工作室 won’t be where we at today. So thank you pioneer! cool18.com

起初我们受到了AsianSchlong工作室的启发,我们与他们一样,认为在西方语境下,应该提升亚裔男性在成人影片中的存在感。AsianSchlong的创始人私下也成为了我的好友。只是由于一些变故,他的工作室没能运营下去。于是我们接过了衣钵,发愿会继续他们未竟的事业。这一路上,前驱的经验带给我们许多帮助,特此表示感谢。 cool18.com

The owners of BananaFever who are much older and are also my good friends decided to invest some funds into this business and see if we can establish something sustainable to represent Asian male porn. They are both friends of mine and they reached out to me knowing that I happen to have some connections (mainly model agencies) in the adult entertainment industry in the US. I just told the owners that with my connections, we can make this happen as long as upfront investments is there. cool18.com

汝工作室的投资人要年长许多,私底下也是我的朋友。他们在得知我在美国的成人娱乐产业中有一定的人脉资源(主要是模特经纪公司)后,决定投资一笔钱,来看看我们能否设立一家AV厂牌来为亚裔男性发声。实际上我跟他们说,只要钱到位,一切都没问题。 cool18.com

Basically we got some initial upfront investment from the owners of the business and just got started. I hired my webmaster to start developing the website. Then I hired a couple male  talents to start shooting contents for us. At first, it's just POV shoots since they cost less. Gradually things all got picked up. We got a couple more male talents on the team. After that it's just a matter of keep producing contents and stay consistent. cool18.com

在拿到启动资金后,我聘请了IT构建了网站。接着我又招募了几名男优开始我们拍摄。起初我们只采用第一人称视角拍摄,因为这样拍摄成本更低。渐渐地我们丰富了拍摄形式,也招募了更多男优。此后我们步入正轨,进行稳定的内容输出。 cool18.com


To be clear, the goal of setting up BananaFever isn't for profit at all. Owners made it very clear that as long as they make their initial investments back, their financial goal related to the business is achieved. Our owners have made all their initial investments back. That said, the financial goal has been completed. At this point of the business, we just invest all our business revenues back into the business. We invest in spending more to get better quality talents (we always look for the hottest faces in the industry). We invest in spending more on equipments and photographing. We invest in spending more on site infrastructures. We invest in spending more on marketing to get more people to know us. cool18.com

需要明确说明的是,汝工作室并不以营利为目的。投资人起初就明确表示,只要他们收回成本,关于这项投资的财务目标就已经实现。现在所有投资人都已经收回了投资。这意味着,此后我们会不断将利润投入到业务运营中去。我们招募业内最火热的演员,提升我们的摄影摄像器材装备,加快站点的基础设施建设,也会在市场营销中投入更多。 cool18.com

We just want to make presence for Asian male porn in the western environment. This underrepresentation of pro Asian male porn has to stop. cool18.com

我们只想要提升亚裔男性成人影片在西方语境下的存在感。亚裔男性在P站的弱势地位必须得到改变。 cool18.com

Believe or not, pro Asian male porn actually does not make much money. I know a couple sites in some other niches their main models are actually Asian guys but they don't show   face, they don't say they are Asians and they never promoted as "Asian male porn site". They all make tons of money from the general western audiences who are actually willing to pay for porn. If we are in this business for money, then we will never label us as Asian male porn   site. Targeting other niches and promote it to the general non-Asian audiences will make us way more money than promoting Asian male porn to only the Asian audiences, who generally don't pay or are not willing to pay for porn. cool18.com

说实话,拍亚裔男性成人影片并没有那么挣钱。我认识一些厂牌他们的演员也是亚裔,却躲在镜头后面隐藏亚裔身份,这些厂牌也不愿打上亚裔的标签,因为他们的受众是付费意愿更强的西方观众,借此他们挣得盆满钵满。如果我们只想要挣钱,那么我们也会这么做。而现在我们的受众主要定位在亚裔群体,他们的付费意愿相对来说没有那么强。 cool18.com

This is just a sad truth of Asian male porn but we're fully committed to promote Asian male  porn regardless whether it makes money or not, as this business is not profit driven and we will never forget that. cool18.com

这就是亚裔男性成人影片之所以发展落后的残酷真相。然而我们不忘初心,无论是否盈利,我们都会继续。 cool18.com

We know our audience want to see more, even though the majority of our audience is not willing to pay for it. That's okay because we have already made the business sustainable because of a very small percentage of our audiences who are actually down to pay and support us. To that small percentage of paid members, we thank you for your support. cool18.com

好内容需要资金的支持,尽管我们的大多数观众并没有付费习惯,但是仍有小部分订阅用户掏腰包支持了我们。在此我们想要表示感谢。 cool18.com


Q3: Where did Banana Fever Studio's startup funding come from? How much does it cost to make an AV (cost components) in the US? cool18.com

问:汝工作室的启动资金是哪里来的?拍摄一部影片需要的成本大约是多少(成本构成)? cool18.com

A: All of the startup funding is from the two owners of the business. Now we have people approaching us for investment. We could be looking into options of taking on investment in 2021. cool18.com

答:所有的初始资金都来自于两位投资人的个人出资。现在不断有人来联系我们想要投资,我们可能会在2021年再进行一轮融资。 cool18.com

It's really not cheap to do this business. Per shoot you are looking at $3000-$4000 depending on the talents (girls and guys), crew members (photographers, production assistants and editors) and location rented. Then on top of that you will need to pay insurance, licensing,  business permit, website hosting, bookkeeping, marketing and etc... cool18.com

这门生意的投入并不少。你看到的每部短片成本都在3000到4000美元之间,取决于演员阵容,团队开支(摄影师、制片助理和编辑)以及租赁场地。此外你还要支付保险费,执照费,许可费,站点运营费用,财务会计费,市场营销费等等。 cool18.com

Upfront investment one should be looking at at least $250,000 plus to start. Ideally more than that to be safe. Lots of loopholes that can create huge liability which will make small and new companies to sink. Anyway, the key here isn’t really the money. It’s more of the connection in the industry that will make the difference. cool18.com



Q4:What is the process of shooting an AV in the US? How much time does it take? What is the production capacity of Banana Fever Studionow? cool18.com

问:拍摄一部AV的流程大约是怎样的?大约需要多少时间?现在工作室的产能如何? cool18.com

A:We have ongoing business relationship with various model agencies across the adult industry in the US. We book the female talents from them, set up the date, book the location, then just have our male talents and photographers show up on set and get down to the business.  cool18.com

答:我们与全美成人行业模特经纪公司保持着密切的联系。我们先与女优敲定日期,接着确定拍摄地点,再派出我们的男优和摄影师一起完成拍摄。 cool18.com

Turnaround time is probably around 2-4 weeks per shoot. We have 4 regular male talents shooting for us right now. All of them are Chinese Americans. Brandon is our POV guy and he doesn't show face when he shoots since it's POV. James, Alvin and Yetieater all show face all day and night when they shoot. cool18.com

每部影片的拍摄周期大概在2-4周。现在我们有4名常驻男优,他们都是美籍华人。Brandon以第一视角拍摄,不露脸。而James, Alvin和Yetieater则会日以继夜地进行露脸拍摄。  cool18.com


△ 拍摄现场,由汝工作室提供

Q5: As a newly established AV label, how did Banana Fever Studio persuade porn stars such as Lena Anderson, Melody Marks and Whitney Wright to join? cool18.com

问:作为一个刚刚成立的AV厂牌,汝工作室是怎样请到诸如Lena Anderson/Melody Marks /Whitney Wright这样的大牌明星合作的? cool18.com

A: Adult business is not friendly tonew comers at all. Usually new comers all already have some sort of connections before they even start. Adult model agencies simply just won't book their girls with random new companies/websites. The only reason they book their girls with our site initially is because I know a few friends working as model agents personally at the time already. cool18.com

答:成人产业对新入行者并不友好。通常需要积累一定资源后再启动项目。成人模特经纪公司不会随便给新成立的公司提供预定服务。我们之所以可以约到那些知名女优,是因为当时我有一些私人朋友在模特经纪公司工作。 cool18.com

Connections and reputations in this business is the key. If you don't know anyone in adult industry in the US, you basically can't get anything done or even started. We now at the point we can basically book any girls from any agents. cool18.com

人脉和名声在这一行是成功的关键。如果想要在美国从事成人行业却不认识任何业内人士,那么将举步维艰。好在现在我们已经能从任何一家模特经纪公司预定任何一位女优了。  cool18.com





△ 感谢汝工作室供图

Q6: Can you introduce the cooperation mode with Pornhub? Could you get advertising revenue from Pornhub? (Similar to YouTube?) cool18.com

问:能否介绍一下与P站的合作模式?能否从P站获得稳定的广告收益?(类似YouTube?) cool18.com

A: Unfortunately, we donot get ads revenue share from PornHub. We do get revenue share from XVideos, but the ads revenue share with XVideo is far below YouTube's ads revenue share with YouTubers. I'm not sure why but posting on porn tubes just not going to make as much as posting on YouTube lol. For example, we had about close to 20 millions views on XVideos and so far only got close to $1000 ads revenue share from them. Negligible. cool18.com

答:不幸的是,我们从来没有从P站得到过广告分成。我们确实有从XVideo得到过广告分成,然而与YouTube给播客提供的广告分成相比,少得可怜。具体原因我也没搞清楚。 cool18.com

举个栗子,我们在XVideos上的播放量已经接近2000万,然而获得的广告分成还不到1000美元,不值一提。 cool18.com

So our main revenue is the membership subscriptions. Ads revenue doesn’t add much at all at this point. cool18.com

因此现在我们的盈利模式仍然主要依靠会员订阅付费。广告分成可以忽略不计。 cool18.com




Q7: In China, the wave of SHEconomy is on the rise. Will your Studio consider shooting the AV for the female market in the future? cool18.com

问:现在女性消费浪潮正在兴起。汝工作室以后是否会考虑针对女性市场推出相应的产品? cool18.com

A: Yes. We will definitely try to ride the wave of SHEconomy. As a matter of fact, we actually have 8-10% of our paid members who are female. I was surprised by this fact but it's true hehe. Nothing is in the form yet but we're thinking more and more now to try to cater our female fans as much as possible. cool18.com

答:是的。我们当然也要赶上“她经济”的浪潮。透露一个数据,实际上我们有8%-10%的付费订阅用户为女性。得知这个数据时我十分惊讶,但确实如此。目前我们还没有动作,不过我们正在琢磨这事儿,希望以后能覆盖越来越多的女性用户。 cool18.com



Q8:Last question, is it really difficult for Asian boys to date Western girls in the US? What advice do you give them? cool18.com

问:最后一个问题,亚裔男生在美国泡西方女孩是否真如传言所说难度很大?你有什么建议给他们呢? cool18.com

A: I personally don't think so. To me I feel it's just this myth in people's head. People always complain about "bad" stereotype of Asian males in the western media. That's something we cannot control. But if our guys don't present themselves anywhere near those "bad" stereotype, it should not matter at all. cool18.com

答:我个人并不这么认为。我觉得这只是人们脑海中的成见。经常有人抱怨西方媒体将亚裔男性形象塑造得很“负面”。这是我们无力改变的。但是只要我们不要在任何时间地点展现出这些“负面”形象,那么一切就没有关系。 cool18.com

I'm really not the best person to get dating advice from lol. But if I have to give something, I’d say don't give a fuck, don't think too much about women, don't take it too seriously in terms of girls. Invest in yourself and work on getting better from all aspects of yourself. Women will just come later. It doesn't matter they are white, yellow and black... lol cool18.com


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