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送交者: Assets1[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2024-04-28 22:04 已读 8822 次 1 赞  


above. Satan sits in front of the monitor screen. He looked. 
Queen D pushed the door open with her fat feet. She was carrying many bags: a pile of greasy fried food and two bottles of wine. She walked into the hall without looking in the mirror—she didn't like the way she looked. We need to do something, but first we need to eat. After throwing away the food, she changed into her pajamas, the office clothes fitting her plump sides. Well, that's it, after opening the bottle, she started eating with her hands. Enough is enough, now we need to think about what to donext. You need to transfer your fat and drug addiction to someone. Cosmetic injections and artificial hair no longer help, and toenail fungus is rampant. But to whom? "My husband is a lazy man, why doesn't he find new victims online and create love triangles, we need to remind him that divorce and dividing assets won't wake him up yet. This will motivate him to move on and we will have to use Old biological material, hair and sperm. 
It was time for Satan to stop napping. "You go ahead, you have been successful for so many years, you are too greedy!" Chindi didn't doubt for a minute: she went to the printer - she needed to print a photo of the last victim, and there was still biological material her husband had brought. It was almost midnight, and then it was time for the wolf . I have to get to the cemetery in time, "The Sabbath is canceled today and I have a day off tomorrow." 
Satan smiled and said: "What a fool, she will collapse tonight, the undead restraint will not work, and the dead will drink all the juices on her body first. " Her husband didn't know, he thought he just wanted to sleep. In fact, his forte is love magic. The portals and all entities will travel to them, which will help me observe her behavior in the graveyard. "After Satan finished speaking, he turned off the computer and went to sleep. 
To be continued.

Posted by: Assets1 edited on 2024_05_15 11:10:46
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贴主:Assets1于2024_05_15 11:11:21编辑

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