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送交者: san11[大侠] 于 2018-02-13 18:54 已读 6137 次 3 赞  




Oh, Darling, soon Valentines Day! Though still three days to go, my heart has already been flying to the coast ... a romantic candle light dinner with you in the small cottage that you rent as our love nest ... Oh, how warm and fascinating ...

What do you wanna me to dress up in our V-date? Don't you like my photo with a crotch short mini skirt and a white T-back inside? It doesn't mean I am naughty. My willing is just to show you my best part, and wanna make our date be more joyful ...

I know I am a bit bashful and not very social. But my buddy said I have changed a lot since I met you. Indeed, I have been more active, and sometimes I just can't stop soliloquizing and laughing by myself. Oh, what a dum girl, am I?

I now only wish there will be a sunny day when we meet, so we will walk along the beach hand in hand, listen to the sound of sea waves, and let soft breeze kiss our cheeks ... 

When it's getting dark, I don't like to turn light on ... Next to the windowsill, just lean myself in your arms to feel the harmonic of heart beats .... In the glimmer of star light, we gaz into each other's eyes with love, while our sentiments ripple like red wine in the glass ... We all know what will happen in next, but seemingly nobody would break the joy in such a silent moment ... no words only soul touching ... with a sense to surfing in an passion storm and walk over the erupting volcano of love chemistry ... fly and dive, live and die ... Oh, our a long, perfect, and unforgetable night … 

With all my love and kiss, xxx

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