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送交者: Foretnoire[品衔R1] 于 2022-09-17 9:20 已读 225 次  


回答: 上了年纪的男人 由 芷夜汀兰 于 2022-09-17 8:04



Come to my bedside, my darlin'
Come over here and gently close the door
Lay your body soft and close beside me
And drop your petticoat upon the floor
I've waited for you, oh such a long time
I plan a plan on every new day born
Words cannot express one thing I'm sure of
That it's in my loving arms where you belong
Your breast have told my ear life's golden secrets
Your back has shown my fingers endless roads
Your lips have whispered wisdom that is timeless
'Bout life and death and things I never know
Come to my bedside, my darlin'
Come over here and gently close the door
Lay your body soft and close beside me
And drop your petticoat upon the floor
Your eyes are bluer than the mountain waters
Your hair is flowin' dark and flowin' long
You skin has more gold than a morning sunrise
And it's softer than the breeze of the summer's Dawn
So come to my bedside, my darlin'
Come over here and gently close the door
Lay your body soft and close beside me
And drop your petticoat upon the floor...

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