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送交者: 傻子一个[护军☆] 于 2014-01-27 20:44 已读 145 次  


回答: 你的高中物理是政治老师教的-答心动鸡动时间静止类A片的高潮问题 由 智取其乳 于 2014-01-27 12:33

First, to understand your statement is a challenge. The premises of this statement are contradiction. However if time is stopped while you are making kinetic energy, then we should have two different concept of "time". One is relative to the girl and the other time is relative to the kinetic energy equation in order to make kinetic energy and to force the conclusion which is "时间停止结束的时候,岂不是所有被干的感觉一下爆发出来,应该不停地疯狂高潮" to be true. 
Therefore, I conclue that there are two different time is going on since you mentioned " 异次空间". t1=0s relative to the girl, and t2 relative to the person who is making kinetic energy. Actually there is also thermal energy involve too.

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